Societal demands on economy and industry are growing. The public is becoming more critical. Politics less transparent. The state more influential. The density of regulations is increasing.
In other words: Dynamism is a permanent condition. Transformation is standard. The stakeholder economy requires companies to deliver more than just positive business figures. With good reason, proprietors, customers, employees, politicians, and the media are asking for more.
Communication is the key to long-term success. We support you in efficiently managing this challenge. With experience, passion, and agility.
Unique in Germany: We offer the integrated Fuchs & Cie. Approach comprising strategic advice, operational support, and a comprehensive network. Or any other component critical for your success.
We combine our know-how in politics, media and economy with databased information and a strategic perspective on your business model. We develop an intelligent strategy that will convince your customers. Whether you are preparing for a sprint or a marathon.
We assist you in successfully implementing your strategy. And stand by your side throughout the day. By generating content or analyses, offering project management, research, monitoring, or personal support ahead of crucial discussions. On point, wherever you require additional resources.
Take advantage of our strategic access. Be part of our network in civil society, politics, media, and economy. We support you in communicating your issues towards all relevant decision makers – in a transparent and proactive manner. Because you will only achieve your goals with the backing of your stakeholders.
We provide you with targeted advice and support. Proprietors, capital market players, employees, customers, media, politics, or civil society. With the right strategy and convincing messages. On all channels. With all relevant stakeholders. To create true added value for you and your business.
Companies of all sizes need to actively communicate – internally and externally. Interlocked. Stringent. Strategic. Long-term entrepreneurial success requires regular contact with proprietors, capital market players, employees, customers, media, politics, and civil society. It is the only way, to understand and consolidate divergent interests. And to preserve trust and credibility.
Communication and reputation have become a measurable factor of success. Due to the breadth of social media, this applies to national and global level, to the local and regional sphere alike. The more transparent and faster markets get, the more important is active communication. We can support you in your strategic positioning and the effective representation of your interest.
It is also crucial to take emotions and needs of all internal stakeholders seriously. We can support you in all matters of internal communication. Make your company’s history, goals, and strategy understandable to establish the basis for a dialogue-oriented company culture. Make your employees ambassadors of your company.
Today, more than an excellent track record or the right business strategy is required to be a long-term successful manager. Obtaining the “license to lead” is crucial. Towards all stakeholders of the company and on a personal level. Globally. Faster than ever.
We support you in your role as CEO, member of the supervisory board or manager, to raise your personal profile. Based on a comprehensive analysis. We put your strategy in a nutshell. Ensuring that proprietors, capital market players, employees, customers, media, politics, or civil society understand it. An we can also offer you suitable training modules that prepare you for interviews or discussion rounds.
Political and civil society’s influence on companies and organizations is greater than ever. On all political levels. Regulations in Germany are increasing every day. Structures are becoming more complex, interrelations more difficult, interests and protagonists more diverse. The rules of politics are changing constantly. The “back-room” is history.
We know how politics on national, European, state, and regional level function. Also, in the digital sphere. We understand the pattern of thoughts, structures, processes, and interdependencies. We reduce complexity and clearly dissect your issues. We support you with research, positioning, and networking – from local politics to Brussels. Online and offline. Digitally and analogue. But always with a clear goal.
We analyse the political and regulatory framework for your individual project.
When a company is about to make important decisions, the following often holds true: evaluations, milieu and external stakeholders are equally important as key figures and legal risks.
We support you with Political Due Diligence. Fast, precise, with background knowledge and a comprehensive network. We facilitate strategic realignments, company acquisitions, the development of new business segments, major investment decisions, or tapping new markets.
We create transparency and a resilient basis for decisions.
Successful financial communication decisively influences the prosperity of corporations. Effective positioning towards investors, analysts, and media is key for a positive capital market evaluation. Therefore, clear and targeted messages are essential for the communication of the business strategy and equity story.
We support you in the communication of your quarterly and annual figures, the preparation of your annual general meeting and with all issues relevant for your share price. With our know-how and tailor-made solutions, we also assist you in special situations, for example with activist shareholders. For your capital market success. And to the satisfaction of your shareholders.
Legal disputes are not limited to court rooms anymore. They expand to the public, social media, TV shows, newspapers, and comment columns. Sought or not: All stakeholders get involved. Form their opinion. This directly affects your business success and shareholder value. Effective and honest communication with clear messages towards all stakeholders becomes more and more important before, during and after legal disputes.
We are at your side. Developing a comprehensive communication strategy with process-related assistance in line with your legal strategy. And in close coordination with your lawyers. To protect your interests also in the public sphere.
Every company can face situations that are not part of normal business operations. Special situation. Now, proper communication is crucial. Belittlement, appeasement and waiting to respond are no solution. The media and public begin to ask questions, especially when they assume information is held back.
Whether environmental damage, product recalls, investigations by a prosecutor, legal proceedings, critical disputes with competitors, or a sudden change of management: crises constrain your entrepreneurial scope. The number of options to act is decreasing with the hour. Crises do not allow for mistakes. Credibility is essential to prevent reputational damage. We offer support. 24/7.
We also offer special support in case of insolvency. Insolvency administrators and management need to create transparency and maintain or gain trust among employees, clients, suppliers, and the public. Professional communication facilitates the achievement of these goals. We provide strategic and operational assistance for insolvency administrators and corporate management to increase the chances of a successful reorganization.
Call it turning point or the fourth industrial revolution. Fact is: today, actions of companies are characterized by permanent upheaval. It is therefore necessary to further develop corporate organizations and transform business models in order to survive on the market and secure the “license to lead”. Sometimes, even strategic reorientation and fundamental structural redesign might be the way to go.
We support you in communicating change in a comprehensible way. Not only to the outside world. But above all to proprietors, customers, and employees. Because transformation is only successful if you succeed in convincing and inspiring your internal stakeholders. Your employees must identify with the company's purpose and your goals. Then they will support your strategy and become valuable ambassadors. And strengthen your reputation in the market and public.
Managing Partner
Pariser Platz 4a
10117 Berlin
Fon: +49 30 8093327-11
Mail: berlin[at]fuchs-cie[dot]de
Dr Georg Fuchs is founder and Managing Partner of Fuchs & Cie., spending many years working at the crucial interface between politics, media, economy, and civil society.
Before founding Fuchs & Cie., he was manager in a renowned consultancy firm. Between 2005 and 2013, he was employed by different members of the Bundestag, and spent the last four years as chief of staff and spokesman for a former Federal Minister of Economics.
Dr Georg Fuchs graduated in business administration, political science, and public law from the University of Würzburg and received a doctorate degree with research on District Administrators in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. During his studies, he worked in communication departments of several international companies.
He is active in numerous associations and organizations of the pre-political sphere and participated in local affairs for several years. In addition, he regularly publishes in professional journals and magazines.
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
Fon: +49 69 1532405-50
Mail: frankfurt[at]fuchs-cie[dot]de
Felix Scholtysik is partner at Fuchs & Cie. and has many years of experience in strategic communications consulting as well as from his time at a DAX company.
Prior to joining Fuchs & Cie., he was working for one of the world’s leading consultancies for strategic communication, where he focused on advising globally operating companies of the automotive, finance, aerospace, pharma, and media sector in M&A transactions as well as with strategic positioning and in special situations. Previously, Felix Scholtysik has been part of the Public Affairs team of a financial sector DAX company, most recently as Head of Political Communication.
During his studies, he worked for members of parliament on federal and state level, as well as for public affairs and communication departments of companies in the financial sector in Frankfurt and Chicago.
Felix Scholtysik holds a degree in communication and political science, economics, and philosophy from the University of Mainz. He is committed to volunteer work in various associations and charitable institutions.
Our consultants support you strategically, operationally, and with their network in politics, media, business, and civil society. With expertise and experience from working for global players, thought leaders, industrial companies, DigiTechs, and start-ups from different industries. Their diverse set of backgrounds adds new perspectives to your challenge. With lucid advice. Promptly and effectively.
With our offices in Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, and Brussels, we are at the heart of things. Close to our clients. To decision-makers in, politics, economy, and media. Smack in the middle of the action.
Fuchs & Cie.’s capital office. Right next to the Brandenburger Tor, the “Adlon” and the French Embassy. Between Potsdamer Platz and Reichstag. At the upper end of “Unter den Linden”. Not only in the centre of Berlin. But really in the thick of it.
Pariser Platz 4a
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 8093327-10
Located in the city centre of the Bavarian capital. Just behind the “Bavaria” at the “Theresienwiese” is where you find our Munich office. Close to the “Oktoberfest” in autumn. Ideally under a white-blue sky.
Theresienhöhe 28
80339 München
Telefon: +49 89 9041013-80
The financial centre drives Germany, Europe, and the world. Fuchs & Cie. is right in the midst of it. Halfway between Main River and “Alte Oper”. Just a few minutes away from Frankfurt International.
Tower 185
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 1532405-50
Fuchs & Cie.‘s representative office in the Quartier Européen. Vis-à-vis the Parliament and the Commission. Thus, close to all relevant organizations and decision-makers.
Square de Meeus, 37
B-1000 Brussels
Telefon: +32 02 79175-99
Fuchs & Cie. is one of Germany's leading independent communication and strategy consultancies, with offices in Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt/Main, and Munich. We have been growing for many years, pushed by dynamism and passion.
With our expertise in the functioning mechanisms of politics, media, economy, and civil society in Germany, we advise leading national and global companies. In all industries.
We work in a highly agile manner, across locations, and in interdisciplinary project teams. An open and cordial corporate culture is important to us. The choice of location (Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt/Main, or Munich) is up to our candidates. What matters for us: Excellence in degrees and professional experience, passion and enthusiasm for communication, curiosity, personal responsibility, responsiveness, above-average commitment to our clients, and interest in politics, media, economy.
Come join us!
Einstellungstermin: ab sofort
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an karriere@fuchs-cie.de. Bitte fügen Sie diesen ein Anschreiben, einen aktuellen Lebenslauf sowie relevante Abschluss-/Arbeitszeugnisse bei. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Stephanie Welkoborsky unter +49 69 1532405-55.
Einstellungstermin: ab sofort
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an karriere@fuchs-cie.de. Bitte fügen Sie diesen ein Anschreiben, einen aktuellen Lebenslauf sowie relevante Abschluss-/Arbeitszeugnisse bei. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Stephanie Welkoborsky unter +49 69 1532405-55.
Einstellungstermin: ab sofort
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen an karriere@fuchs-cie.de. Bitte fügen Sie diesen ein Anschreiben, einen aktuellen Lebenslauf sowie relevante Abschluss-/Arbeitszeugnisse bei. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Stephanie Welkoborsky unter +49 69 1532405-55.
Einstellungstermin: Ab sofort
Sie studieren Politikwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft oder einen vergleichbaren Studiengang? Sie haben Spaß an Kommunikation und Medien und Interesse für Politik und Wirtschaft? Sie wissen, was gerade öffentlich diskutiert wird? Sie sprechen perfektes Englisch? Sie recherchieren gerne und können analytisch denken?
Dann unterstützen Sie unser Team als studentische Hilfskraft. Wir bieten Ihnen eine überdurchschnittliche Bezahlung und interessante Aufgaben. Dazu kommen große Freiheiten: Sie arbeiten, wo Sie möchten. Internetanschluss genügt.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. Bitte senden Sie aussagefähige Unterlagen an karriere@fuchs-cie.de.
Ob Junior, Professional, Senior oder Senior Advisor – wir freuen uns jederzeit über Ihre Initiativbewerbung.
Dabei interessieren uns Berufseinsteiger genauso, wie erfahrene Kommunikationsmanager. Auch Profis, die Ihr Wissen nach dem Ausscheiden aus dem aktiven Berufsleben weiter nutzen und noch etwas aktiv sein möchten, sind bei uns gut aufgehoben. Fuchs & Cie. schätzt Ihr Wissen, Ihre Erfahrung und Ihr Netzwerk.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung. Bitte senden Sie aussagefähige Unterlagen an karriere@fuchs-cie.de.
Stephanie Welkoborsky
Head of Executive Office
Tel: +49 69 1532405-55
E-Mail: karriere[at]fuchs-cie[dot]de
Please do not hesitate to contact us for a personal meeting. Preferably as early as tomorrow. Because when it comes to communicative challenges, time is of the essence.
We look forward to your message or call. You will be in good hands.
Fuchs & Cie. | Unternehmensberatung für Strategie und Kommunikation GmbH
Theresienhöhe 28
80339 München
Telefon: +49 89 9041013-80
Telefax: +49 89 9041013-89
E-Mail: info[at]fuchs-cie[dot]de
Attending an important appointment in Berlin-Mitte – by bike? Why not. We try to track and minimize the impact of our business activities on climate and the environment. Always. To the best of our abilities.
Not for the sake of any zeitgeist. But because we are convinced that genuine success is sustainable. Especially when it comes to communication and reputation. We work for a sustainable success of our clients. While preserving a healthy environment for all.
That's why we have committed ourselves to sustainability. Our principles affect all actions of our company. We also fulfil the sustainability guidelines of our globally active clients. So we can work together in good conscience.
A greener consultancy than Fuchs & Cie.? Keep looking!
In recent years, Fuchs & Cie. has successfully passed compliance checks of numerous relevant companies in Europe, the US and Asia. We have been put through our paces by our clients according to international standards and regulations – and live compliance by conviction. Those who don‘t, are thinking too briefly.
The importance of compliance is constantly increasing for companies of all sizes and industries. Especially at the interface between politics, economy, media, and society, it is essential for long-term success. Financial and legal compliance are only two of the relevant dimensions. For us, it is about a comprehensive understanding of compliance as acting in accordance with regulatory requirements and social expectations.
Thank you for visiting our website. The safe and lawful handling of your data is particularly important to us. We would therefore like to inform you in detail about how your data is used while you are visiting our website and what happens to it afterwards.
The Data Controller as laid down in the European Data Protection Regulation (in the following “GDPR” for short), the German Federal Data Protection Act, additional data protection laws of the member states and further data protection regulations is:
Fuchs & Cie. | Unternehmensberatung für Strategie und Kommunikation GmbH
Theresienhöhe 28
80339 München
Telefon: +49 89 9041013-80
Telefax: +49 89 9041013-89
E-Mail: datenschutz@fuchs-cie.de
(in the following “we”, “us”, or “our”)
You can contact our Data Protection Officer, Michael Sauer, at any time via the above contact information.
Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing operations for which we obtain the Data Subject’s consent for using the data for a specific processing purpose.
If the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the Data Subject is a party, the processing is based on art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR; this is the case, for example, for the delivery of goods or for the provision of services or return services. The same applies to processing operations that are necessary to carry out pre-contractual measures on the basis of inquiries about our products or services.
If we are subject to a legal obligation which makes processing personal data necessary, such as the fulfilment of tax obligations, the processing is based on art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR.
In rare cases, the processing of personal data may become necessary to protect vital interests of the Data Subject or of another natural person; the legal basis in these cases is art. 6 (1) lit. d GDPR.
Ultimately, processing operations may also be based on art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR if they are not covered by any of the above legal bases. This may be the case if the processing is necessary to protect our legitimate interest or that of a third party, provided that the interests, fundamental rights, and freedoms of the Data Subject do not prevail; in those cases, we warrant to carefully consider the legal interests of all parties involved.
We obtain your personal data when you provide it to us, for example via an inquiry sent to us.
Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those listed below. We only pass your data on
Your data will not be transferred to a third country outside the European Union without your consent.
You have the right
Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht (BayLDA)
Promenade 18
91522 Ansbach
Tel.: +49 981 180093-0
Fax: +49 981 180093-800
E-Mail: poststelle@lda.bayern.de
Our website – that is the entirety of this Internet presence including all sub-pages – does not use cookies.
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This data will not be merged with data from other sources.
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Our website uses SSL encryption (Secure Socket Layer) for the secure transmission of data from your browser to our server and to servers that provide files that we are embedding on our website. You can recognize the presence of SSL encryption by the preceding text "https" in front of the address of our website or, depending on your browser, for example by a key symbol in the header.
This website is hosted by an external service provider. Personal data collected on this website is stored on the servers of this service provider. This may include, in particular, IP addresses, website accesses, meta and communication data, contact inquiries, and other data generated automatically via our website.
We are using a professional service provider due to our interest in the secure and efficient provision of our online offer (art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR).
We protect our website and other IT systems appropriately against loss, destruction, unauthorized access, unauthorized modification or unauthorized disclosure of your data by means of suitable technical and organizational measures. As we cannot guarantee data security, particularly not in case of unencrypted communication by e-mail, we recommend sending confidential information by letter mail.
If you contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax, your contact or inquiry, including the personal data provided by you, will be processed by us for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in case of follow-up questions.
We do not share your data without your consent. Your data is processed on basis of art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR, if your inquiry is related to the performance of a contract or if it is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of inquiries sent to us (art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR) or on your consent (art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR), if this has been obtained.
Your transmitted data will remain with us until you request us to delete it, revoke your consent to store it, or the purpose for storing the data no longer applies (for example, after we have completed processing your inquiry). Mandatory legal provisions – in particular legal retention periods – remain unaffected.
We offer you the opportunity to apply with us and assure you that your data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws and that your data will be treated in strict confidence. We will gladly send you more detailed transparency information upon request.
The use of our contact data published on the mandatory “About Us” information for the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising and information material is hereby prohibited. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising information, for example by e-mail.
We regularly check and update the information on this website but cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to other websites to which we refer by means of links.
In this privacy statement, the legal form of language or the form that seems most appropriate in the context has been used, irrespective of the gender of the person designating it. For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of masculine and feminine forms of language has also been dispensed with; all designations apply equally to all genders (m/f/d).
We reserve the right to change this privacy statement if the legal situation or this online offer or the type of data collection changes. However, this only applies with regard to declarations on data processing. If the user's consent is required or components of this privacy statement contain a regulation of the contractual relationship with users, this privacy statement will only be changed following the user's consent.
As of: December 2021
Dr. Georg Fuchs
Phone: +49 89 9041013-80
E-Mail: info@fuchs-cie.de
Amtsgericht München, HRB 224896
Theresienhöhe 28
80339 München
Fuchs & Cie. | Unternehmensberatung für Strategie und Kommunikation GmbH
Pictures: ©Laurence Chaperon
The contents of this website have been carefully checked and created to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless, no claim is made for the completeness, timeliness, quality, and accuracy of the information provided. Within the scope of the service, links to Internet content of other providers are also provided. The service provider has no influence on the content of these sites; the operator of the other website is solely responsible for the content. Despite checking the content to the extent required by law, the service provider must therefore decline any responsibility for the content of these links or the linked site. The service provider assumes no liability for any material or non-material damage to third parties caused by the use of this website. If you suspect that one of your property rights is violated from this website, please inform the responsible person immediately.